Sunday, December 10, 2006

Not everything can be exciting...

Okay, so I have to say that one *major* disadvantage to buying a house as opposed to renting: people who have sold their house and gotten your money have no reason whatsoever to leave their house clean for you. :-P

We just spent three hours plus cleaning our new home. I'm sure glad I had the foresight to think of this, because I don't know what we'd have done if we'd shown up tomorrow, moving truck full of things to unpack, and the house was in the condition it was. It was just a lot of little things....and it's still not done, but at least the bathrooms and kitchen are (mostly) clean. I have been concerned that this would happen ever since the second time we saw it and it just wasn't as clean as the first time. But hey, it's been three guys living there together, what did we expect?

As it is, it doesn't feel quite like our home yet. But with a bit of cleaning it's feeling more so than before. It just squicks me out so to clean a toilet that someone else has let go way too long.


DebD said...

Well, most people DO clean the house before they move out. I guess thats what happens when three guys were living there.

karrie said...

Squicks me out is putting that emotion lightly!

Congrats on your move.

architect said...

New word: Squicks! I'll pencil that into webster now... =)
Our Utah house was pretty disgusting when we moved in -- at least the toilets were clean though. It was just all the years of ground in dirt. ick! But when we sold it, it was very clean. =)
So happy everything went smooth in escrow! =)

Mimi said...

Squicks is indeed the word. Our first house was that way, so dirty. I cried and cried.

Anonymous said...

our first house was a foreclosure (thats how we could afford to buy it) and stood empty for 2 years. as i was cleaning out the fridge, i pulled open the drawer and found a case of unopened beer. now i know that the canning process and the alcohol are probably enough to kill any bacteria, but i wasnt going to find out. that and the fact that i hate the taste of beer. but my friend came over to help at like 9 am and saw the beer sitting out and thought, well, its a little early to break that out, but oh well.