Wednesday, August 9, 2006

The Horse Project

Here's some pure fun! My kids and I have been having fun trying to spot the horses in downtown Portland. But I see that they are tethered in different places too. And as I was looking through the pictures, there was one with a suspiciously familiar looking building in the background....could that possibly be our church? Hmm...guess I'll have to go look.

The Horse Project


Harmonia said...

Here is my new link. Hope to see you there soon! My old link will still be active. I am going to keep my blogroll there and use it as a back up but my daily updates will take place at the above location.

Mimi said...

That's so awesome!

architect said...

I love Oregon's laid back agriculture land use. =)
RYC: teeth! When Hudson had his major dental bill, I was pregnant with Caspian, so I talked with my awesome mid-wife about it. She said her first born had teeth issues too, which caused her to research and she learned that if the mom is not eating right/sick or stressed when the teethbuds are forming in the unborn child, the teeth can end up weak and unhealthy. So we looked up when the teeth buds are forming... during the 6th week, when many moms have morning sickness or are just learning they are pregnant. So that maybe why our first borns have/had bad baby teeth.
Wonderful to hear that Zac's adult teeth are strong! Gives my hope. =)