Thursday, August 18, 2005

Standing with Cindy

We attended a vigil last night for Cindy Sheehan. It was a small neighborhood affair....just about 60-70 of us at the beach, trying to keep candles lit. Not a whole lot was said--it was just to show up and show support for Cindy Sheehan's cause, and for all the mothers' children who have been killed. It was pretty cool meeting others in the Sunset district who are against this war. We even met another Orthodox Christian family. How amazing is that?

I know we could have just lit a candle here in our home in support of Cindy. But there's something, some kind of power, that comes from getting together, even in small groups like this. No, I don't harbor any illusions that it'll make Bush pull us out of this war, or even think about it. But it forms community. Perhaps I'll see some of those folks on the street and we'll be able to stop and talk and know we have something in common. I think this is where real change comes from--getting to know your neighbor. Just like Jesus said--love your neighbor as yourself. Maybe that's more revolutionary than we all think.

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