Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Peanut Butter Cookbook?

Often, when I'm looking at statcounter to see what info I can glean about who's been visiting my blog, the google searches are quite amusing. Today's was a good one: benny and joon cookbook. Of course, this person found my blog because I've mentioned Benny and Joon as my very favorite all-time movie, and I talk about cookbooks. I had to click on the search and find out if there was such a thing! Then I began wondering what foods would be in a cookbook like this. Peanut butter cereal smoothies? Tapioca without raisins? Spaghetti and salad...In that order? Maybe it could give housekeeping hints as well, compliments of Sam. Oh, and we can't forget Sam's clothes-iron grilled cheese sandwiches, or his tennis racket-mashed potatoes. :-)

Okay, thanks for my two minutes of amusement!


DebD said...

I think it is so intriguing to see people visiting from the strangest places. Most of my visitors stay for less than a min. so I assume they are cyberbots of some kind.

Oh and I loved Benny and Joon too.

monica said...

hey elizabeth, i tagged you to post a thank you to the important women in your life. look on my blog and you will see

Mimi said...

Searches always flummox me too! I'd buy a Benny and Joon cookbook, grin. I LOVE that movie.

Unknown said...

I just found you through Jennifer. According to her, we have a lot in common. (: