Thursday, April 27, 2006

Things that make you go.....hmmm

Paul was running out of room in his journal today so he remembered that I'd told him about a store called Mirador, a pretty cool general store with earth-friendly, people-friendly wares. I saw some "recycled journals" there--they take an old book, take off it's cover and use that as journal covers. Then they put in blank paper for you to write on, but they include a page every here and there of the original book.

So, Paul came home with one of these cool inventions. He liked the recycled book choice for a journal--the book was _Being Born_ (copyright 1936). Of course, that has all kinds of implications for the fertile mind's journal. But also, on one of the included pages from the original book, he found this:

3. How can animals do without a doctor if human beings can't?

Animals are more rugged. In their natural life in the fields and forests they build up endurance for all kinds of things--for the birth of their young among others. Soon after their babies are born, they are ready to go forth in search of food. Among primitive peoples, like many tribes in Africa and elsewhere, human mothers were and still are much the same. They work in the fields, come home and deliver their babies, and soon return tho their toil carrying their babies on their backs. Civilization has changed matters with its warmer houses, different eating and sleeping habits, slight amounts of exercise. Civilized people are less rugged, more sensitive. They need help. Even animals that have lived among people--house pets and others--are becoming like human beings in their needs for nursing and good care.

Unfortunately, that's where that quote gets cut off. Fascinating stuff! I'd have liked to read more about what great things civilization has done for us. ( case you don't know.....)

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