Wow, did these loaves ever rise! They look wonderful. Remember that fateful post with the botched bread? And the vasilopita that wouldn't rise? Well, I think I figured out the problem. After the botched bread, it turned out much better, but always....just a bit disappointing. Well, I finally thought of chlorine in the water. When we lived at the ranch, we had well water, and it was wonderful and I never had to worry about chlorine because it wasn't treated with chlorine. And when we lived in San Francisco, I never dreamed of putting tap water in my bread because I could taste the chlorine in it. We always filtered our water. But here, the water tastes good and I never thought it had too much chlorine.....well, I finally figured it out and bought some bottled water to use in bread making. Paul argued that we shouldn't be drinking it either, but that'll have to wait. Good bread comes first. :-)
And this picture is just because Zac wanted to be in a picture on my blog.

Mmmm... your bread looks wonderfu--I haven't baked in so long!
Zac looks so sweet:)
Not drinking the chlorine may be more important than you thought. See _Coronaries, Cholesterol, Chlorine_ by Joseph M. Price, M.D., ISBN 0-515-08825-0. It offers strong evidence that heart disease is linked to chlorine in our water rather than what we eat. The same diet on pure water does not produce heart disease. My husband the chemist says this book is right on target.
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