Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Oh, yeah!

Dried cherry bread
Originally uploaded by sanfranfamily.
I got my groove back. Here's the dried cherry bread I made today. I followed the raisin bread recipe in Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book but couldn't find my raisins, so I used dried cherries instead. (I've subbed different kinds of dried fruit before.) No problems at all except for a bit of sticking. Might be because I had to wash the pans after the catastrophe two days ago. I don't usually wash them between bakings.

I'm going to try to make the New Year's Cookies tomorrow.


Jennifershmoo said...

Hey, that's more like it! Those are some good-looking loaves. So did you buy new yeast?

Have you ever thought of grinding your own? I'm considering it. A knitter I know grinds her own grains into flour, and I've never tasted such sweet, light whole wheat flour muffins in my life. And it didn't upset my tummy the way regular whole wheat products do.

Elizabeth said...

Jennifer! I've been grinding my own flour since the days when I knew you in real life. :-) I got my grain mill in January of 2000--just after everyone else was getting one for Y2K. (Remember Y2K?) I wouldn't go back to just buying flour at the store now--there is such a difference in the freshness and the flavor.

Not quite sure why fresh-ground flour would make that much difference for your tummy, though. I remember being hurt once when you wouldn't try my fresh bread....and then I found out about your allergy!

Anyway. No, I didn't get new yeast--I knew that it raised my dough just fine until the last rise, and there couldn't be that much wrong with it. I think Paul must be right--it was atmospheric changes of pressure or something. Or voodoo. One of the two.

Mimi said...

Yay! Elizabeth's got her groove back! (can we tempt you into bringing a loaf to share when we meet? It looks lovely!)

Jennifershmoo said...

Oh, uh, I knew that! Sheesh. I think my brain has sprung a leak.

I think your whole wheat breads look *divine*. I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings by not trying some! I wouldn't call it an allergy, just a bent-over-double gut-wrenching intolerance. I get embarrassed to admit it, though; whole wheat seems like such a healthy thing to eat, how can it make me feel so bad?