Wednesday, August 10, 2005

cute story

I'm backtracking here....I was just remembering a story from when the kids were younger that I would have blogged if I'd been blogging back then!

Hibi, then known as Carissa, was 7 years old and Zachary was 4. We were staying in a hotel, and as always, my kids were being restless and not going to sleep. They have a hard time settling down in a hotel. Carissa was talking about this and that, and we kept telling her to stop talking and try to sleep. "I'm hungry!" she complained. We patiently explained that there was nothing to eat in the hotel room; we weren't at home. "Do you want me to die of starvation?" Always melodramatic, that one.....

Zac then parrots, "I'm hungry!"

"Zac, there's nothing to eat!"

Zac says, "Do you want me to tie up a starfish?"

He says now that he thought that's what Hibi said, like to tie up a starfish to eat.

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